Tag Archives: routine

Back to school & a shoulder workout

Yesterday I had my first day of my last full semester of school. After this, I will have just one summer session and then I’m done. Forever. Pretty much my entire life I’ve been in school and I’m a few short months away from ending that chapter of my life for good. One very long thick chapter. And I can’t wait! What’s next for me? Well, as much as I’d love to say travel, spontaneity, fine dining and adventures, it doesn’t really look like that’s going to be possible for awhile. Of course if it was up to me I’d finally get to see a little bit of the world but that’s probably going to have to wait until I save up some money and can afford adventures outside of the United States. For now, I’m focusing on graduating (got that in the bag), finding a job, setting up my new apartment, building some substantial muscle and creating my first fitness and nutrition program. YES, you heard me! MoonFitness is going to be making some moves soon. As of now, this is just a spark in my imagination but knowing me, when I want something badly enough I’ll get it done in time. I’ll certainly talk more about the program later but for now, I’ll leave you knowing that I want to create a customized plan for individuals who are looking to get in shape, eat better and change their lifestyle for good. This plan will guide you through the basic steps of eating clean, working out and cultivating healthy habits. I will be there for you along the way, providing support and guidance. Like I said, right now this is just an idea that will soon be put into motion.

Anyways, today I did a Nicole Wilkin’s shoulder workout for the second time in the past month. That woman has an amazing figure, so I’m always down to try one of her workouts…and she didn’t fail me!

Shoulders WOD
Warm-up- barbell shoulder press (2 sets, 8-12 reps)
Barbell shoulder press (2 drop sets to failure)
Single arm lateral cable raise (3 sets, 30-12 reps)
Upright barbell row (3 sets, 12-15 reps)
Cable reverse flies (3 sets, 12 reps) << new favourite!
Rear delt raise (3 sets, 10 reps)

Yup, by the time you’re done with this you should be pretty freakin tired. Here’s the video of Nicole going through the workout if you want to see the proper form.

Hmmm let’s see what else is new with me.
I’m currently on my second official week of my “muscle building” diet and routine and I’m starting to see improvements already, especially in my upper body. I’ve committed to cutting out cardio for as long as it takes and according to my trainer, I shouldn’t count on gaining more than 10 pounds of substantial muscle PER YEAR. This makes me wonder…when will I be revisiting my good friend cardio again?! I don’t know, I believe that’s something I will just have to wait and see. When you have a goal that requires difficult sacrifices, what do you do? I simply remind myself that this lovely thing we like to call fitness is a JOURNEY and there is no final destination. In order to get from point A to point B, you may have to make sacrifices and be….extremely…patient. If you’re one of the many other girls that are going through the mentally challenging act of cutting out cardio I beg you to PLEASE read this post by my friend and fellow blogger Meg. She is going through the same thing as me, but she’s been without cardio since November. I’m learning form her patience and dedication. It’s great to see other girls going through the same thing as me when it comes to cardio- it’s a mental challenge but one that can definitely be overcome!

Chest & Triceps Workout

It’s January 3rd and the gym crowd is already starting to die down! I had overnight oats this morning and then hit the gym around 9:00 for chest and triceps. The past couple of days the gym is packed around this time but today I to saw the usual familiar faces again and less of a huge crowd. If you’re just now starting the whole gym routine and healthy eating thang- don’t give up!! So many people try to get in shape at the beginning of every year and then quite when they don’t see results fast enough. Seriously, people…it takes TIME. It’s not easy and it doesn’t happen overnight…that’s why fitness is a lifestyle.
It’s not short-term.
There’s no ONE destination.
It doesn’t end.
And if you’re “lucky” enough, you’ll become hooked like thousands of other people and never want it to end! You’ll start making healthy choices and decisions every day (not just the days in January!!)
So since I haven’t posted a workout lately, here’s the one I did today. It may seem like a lot of exercises but I managed to get them all done within the hour. For triceps, I usually do more reps and moderate weight but for chest I do less reps and heavier weight. Usually by the 8th rep, sometimes even 6th, I’ve reached my max. Warm up for 5 minutes on the treadmill, elliptical or stepmill to get your heart pumpin!

Chest & Triceps
Flat bench press 3*8
Cable tricep push-down w/ rope 3*10
Incline bench press 3*8
Tricep dumbbell overhead extension 3*10
One arm dumbbell bench press 3*6
Tricep dip machine 3*10
Machine incline chest press 3*10

Finish off with decline push ups till you can’t do no mo’!

Afterwards, I fueled my muscles with my chocolate banana protein ice cream and now I’m going to get back to reading It Starts with Food. Looking forward to writing the review!!
Have a great day!

Back Day- make those wings big and beautiful!

BACK DAY..my favourite, y’all.

(compliments of Danny Clark Photography)

Here’s my workout that I put together for today. I thought it was blog worthy because I could feel my back pumpin throughout the entire hour. If you want, superset everything! It saves time, keeps your heart rate up and helps you get more exercises in. Take at least 90 second breaks between each superset.

3 sets of 12

Pull ups (assisted…or not;) ) …with

One arm cable row

Straight arm lat pull down….with

Seated lat pull down

T-bar rows…..with

Overhand EZ bar rows

(resume regular sets)


Cable back flies
If you’re feeling brave, add in 20 minutes of HIIT on the treadmill.

After my workout I fueled myself up with some chicken, brown rice and salsa. I’ve been going a little salsa crazy since my competition, I think it’s the one thing I missed the absolute most. It just makes everything taste so much better. I know you Texans will agree with me on this one.

Side note: One of my long-term goals that I’ve been working on for about 7 months now is to be able to pump out a 12 pull ups 100% on my own. I can easily do the chin up ones because those have a lot of bicep work in them but those blasted pull ups get me every time. I FINALLY did 5 all on my own today. The rest of them, I have to have somebody lightly spot my feet to keep them lifted, but I swear- in about a month I should be able to do 12 all on my own. This is one goal I’ve been working on for so long and I cannot tell you how happy I am to be so close to accomplishing it. Is there an exercise you’ve been consistently working towards or have worked towards in the past? Keep going!

NPC Texas State Naturals 2012 Recap

I DID IT!! I competed in my first NPC bikini competition!! I can’t believe it finally happened- it’s pretty surreal. I had an amazing time, met some wonderful girls, learned a lot of tips for next time, got to hang out with my mom and sister and best of all, I accomplished something I really didn’t know if I could or not. Ready for a play by play?

I woke up around 5:50, poured myself a little cup of coffee and anxiously devoured 1/2 cup oats and 1 scoop of whey. This meal seemed a little heavy to me, but I was just going along with the plan my coach had made for me.

Inside of my cooler I packed quite an assortment…sirloin, rice cakes, chicken, brown rice, oats, peanut butter, a crunch bar (sugar makes muscles pop out more on stage ) and a ginger kombucha (for AFTER walking out).

After heading out of my apartment, I went over to my friends place to get my next two coats of spray tan. HOLY COW I was so ridiculously dark. My friend Shar is a trainer at my gym and she did my tan, as well as make-up (of course, those are the things the judges gave me the highest score for– a huge thank you to Shar!!) Afterwards, we headed to the school where the competition was being held so that I could sign up for my critique card and start getting ready.

Shar doing my eyes all purty like.

I met some pretty awesome girls from Austin that were also first timers for the stage. It was really great to have other like-minded ladies around me for once. For most of this process I’ve been on my own and then all of a sudden, I’m thrown into a room filled with 100  people, all going through the same thing as me, munching on rice cakes, drinking a gallon of water every day and missing out on all the “normal” social events. It felt really great to be able to connect with so many other competitors.

This is Lisa from She’s Losing It.net. She’s one amazing woman and definitely an inspiration to me. She’s a fit mom who can balance work, family AND competing all at once. Dedication!!

After taking pictures, running around getting three different tan touch ups, replacing the band aids on my pinky toes a million times, and several applications of lip gloss, it was finally time to line-up for prejudging. I’m not going to lie, at this point I was nervous but SOO excited, I could barely think about how nervous I was. I knew I was going to do good because I had been working so hard and there was no way I was going to think negatively and risk it all. It also helped that the girl in front of me was giving me lots of tips and distracting me from my own nervous thinking.

So there we all are, behind the stage lined up and before I know it, they call out ” 160 Miss Madelyn Moon” and I’m strutting out on that stage, hips swinging and head high. The 10 seconds we get on the stage fly by so fast, let me tell you! All I could think about was “Walk slowly Madelyn, keep your head up Madelyn, SMILE SMILE SMILE!” And somewhere in my poses I decided to add in a little wink and some personality! It was amazing. I felt confident and I enjoyed all 10 seconds I got in the spotlight:)

Out of 20 girls, I was the 8th one called (in the 2nd call outs) and I’m proud of that! Of course I had hoped to place, but for my first show, I’m happy for the package I presented. I did everything I could and that’s all the matters.

After prejudging I reunited with my family and friends. A big thank you to all of you and of course the camera woman, who just happens to be one of my number one supporters and my lovely mother!

One of my critiques that the judge gave me was to add padding in my top.


I had a feeling that would be one of the things I got marked off for. At least now I know for next time!

OH and you know the first thing I had after prejudging was a kombucha. Nothing has every tasted so refreshing in my life.

After pictures, we had about a two hour break so my sister, mom and me went to a Chili’s, where I brought in my chicken tubber ware and munched away while they ordered some nomtastic salads. I wasn’t ready to splurge yet- too nervous!

Then we went to a mall. Oh goodness. Did I mention I was almost 100% black?! Imagine me walking into a Bath & Body works looking like this. I mean, I don’t blame people for all the crazy looks they gave me.

Nonetheless, I had a blast walking around and getting some girl time.

Around 5:30 everybody was back at the school, reapplying their makeup, doing more touch ups and going to town on the rice cakes. Let’s just say we were all pretty exhausted and all everybody was talking about was what their first meal would be. Pizza and burgers seemed to be the popular vote.

Finals came and went and everybody got to do their poses once more. This usually never happens! I was pretty excited they let us have one more moment on the stage. I didn’t place top five which was a bummer but I gained so much more from this. The real prize was the fact that I set a goal for myself and accomplished it. I thought there was no way I could do what I did and the second I decided I would do it, I dedicated all my time and effort to make it happen. I’ve learned many intangible lessons along the way and I believe I’m a different person than who I was four months ago. I’ve also made many great acquaintances and started new friendships. I’m truly blessed.

My mom, sister, Shar and me then went to Hopdoddy’s to do some indulging. After 4 months of no cheats I thought it would be okay to have a BIG FAT cheeseburger and a NUTELLA/PRETZEL milkshake:) Nutella milkshake….yes, that’s right.

Back home, mom presented me with a goodie basket filled with some pretty awesome stuff. Three books, two candles, two workouts tanks, a beautiful bracelet, some pumpkin coffee, multivitamins, seasonings and some perfume. Best mom award!!

Okay, so after this ridiculously long recap, I would like to write just a little bit about what’s next for me.
I love competing, it’s amazing and I definitely want to do it again. BUT I do plan on enjoying the rest of the year without thinking about competitions or whatnot, but simply enjoying my workouts and building muscle. I won’t be adding many more calories to my diet but I will probably add a couple hundred more so that my body can work on building more lean muscle. I want to focus on having a balanced life. When I compete again, I will want to find a way to incorporate it into a balanced lifestyle without having to be quite as extreme as I was this go round. I do not want it to control every aspect of my life but to instead enhance it. I’ve made many sacrifices, and I wouldn’t take any of them back, but I also want to focus on a few other things. For example, I’m about to graduate from UT Austin and I’m also in the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I really want to work on my health coaching practice, find a job, and enjoy life to the fullest. Competing is also expensive so that’s another factor. Now that I’m about to be on my own, I need to make sure I can support myself! Nonetheless, I will be making another appearance on the stage but right now I’m just going to smile and be grateful for the accomplishments I have just made.

Life is good.

Laura Bailey’s Muscle-Building Diet!

Among the many beautiful and strong women I look up to, one of them is Laura Bailey.

She has discipline, muscles, beauty, a good head on her shoulders and a great philosophy on life. I found her “cutting” program AND “muscle building” program on bodybuilding.com. I love that bodybuilding.com gives personalized workouts and meal plans designed by competitors and fitness lovers alike. I decided to post just Laura’s muscle building diet on my blog but you can find the rest of her regime for both building and cutting here>>>Bodybuilding.com – Laura Bailey Fitness 360 – Follow Her Program!.

She may have a little more muscle on her bod than what you want for yourself, but don’t worry cause you won’t automatically get that “big” from eating more calories, your body will gradually build.

I wanted to post her diet for muscle building because it requires so much food, you would never even realize that the body needs so many calories to put on muscle mass. Of course, it’s different for everybody and what works for her is not guaranteed to work for you but at least this gives you a good idea. Lots of good, CLEAN and healthy food, here. What could be more exciting than getting in shape by eating LOADS?!

Laura Bailey’s Muscle Building Nutrition

Total Calories: 2406   |  Fat: 75g  |  Carbs: 199g  |  Protein: 269.5

Meal 1: Two Breakfast Taquitos

    • turkey

      Ground Turkey

      Fats: 12 Grams| Protein 31 Grams| Carbs 0 Grams

    • 1124

      Seasoned Egg Beaters

      1 cup
      Fats: 1 Grams| Protein 25 Grams| Carbs 2 Grams

    • picante sauce

      Picante Sauce

      2 tbsp
      Fats: 0 Grams| Protein 0 Grams| Carbs 2 Grams

    • corn tortilla

      Corn Tortillas

      Fats: 0 Grams| Protein 0 Grams| Carbs 2 Grams

Total Calories For Meal 1: 620

Meal 2: Protein Shake

Total Calories For Meal 2: 237

Meal 3: Turkey Spaghetti

Total Calories For Meal 3: 314

Meal 4: Protein Shake

Total Calories For Meal 4: 422

Meal 5: Healthy Snack

    • cottage cheese

      Low Fat Cottage Cheese

      1/2 cup
      Fats: 1 Grams| Protein 14 Grams| Carbs 3 Grams

    • apple


      Fats: 0 Grams| Protein .5 Grams| Carbs 24 Grams

Total Calories For Meal 5: 175

Meal 6: Healthy Snack

    • crab

      Crab Cakes

      Fats: 14 Grams| Protein 22 Grams| Carbs 5 Grams

    • Asparagus


      Fats: 0 Grams| Protein 4 Grams| Carbs 7 Grams

Total Calories For Meal 6: 273

Meal 7: Quiche

    • 1124

      Seasoned Egg Beaters

      1 cup
      Fats: 1 Grams| Protein 25 Grams| Carbs 2 Grams

    • veggies


      Fats: 0 Grams| Protein 3 Grams| Carbs 12 Grams

    • turkey

      Ground Turkey

      Fats: 12 Grams| Protein 31 Grams| Carbs 0 Grams

Total Calories For Meal 7: 365

Note: I make modifications weekly depending on how specific events that I may have going on.

So there you have it. Eat big to get big!

Saucony ProGrid Guide Shoe Review

These past few weeks I’ve been getting a little bored and tired of the same ole running, sprinting and “stepmilling” routine so I was extremely please to find out that Fitfluential picked me to campaign and review Saucony‘s new ProGrid Guide running shoes! They arrived in the mail after a particularly stressful midterm so coming home to these puppies cheered me right up. Sometimes a new pair of fitness gear is exactly what the doctor ordered when you’re getting bored of your routine….there’s something about new shoes that makes running that much better.


So what do I think about these new shoes? Would I recommend them to the frequent runner? My answer is a completely confident, in-your-face YES. After putting them on for the first time, I immediately fell in love. You know when you find a pair of running shoes that look awesome but feel heavy on your feet and so you’re stuck in a situation where you have to put looks over agility?? Well that’s definitely not the case with the Progrid Guide. They are extremely light on your feet, they don’t weigh you down and they’ve got a very edgy look to them (being a Longhorn…I love the bright orange!)
The shoes will be released in stores November 11th, so set aside some dough for your fall shoe fund and get on these fun running shoes! I promise you’ll love em!

On another note, something fun I did this past week was see Louis Lowry speak at a book signing at a local independent bookstore in Austin, TX! The author of The Giver discussed how she gets her inspiration for her books and characters. Apparently, she said that whenever she is writing a book and thinking about characters, a face will pop into her head that she has never seen before and a name will come with it. Every single one of her main characters have bee conjured in her head, with a name, and zero effort is required on her part to think up the characters. I thought that was so interesting! She also went on to describe how ridiculous and made-up “writer’s block” is because writing is a job, just like plumbing or dentistry. Dentists don’t get “dentist block” and surgeons don’t get “surgeon’s block” so why should writers have an excuse?

Fun fact about me: I love to write and read and I’m currently working on my first children’s book series! I love hearing authors and their perspective on finding creativity. What one of your favourite things to do outside of the gym?

Build Better Legs

When it comes to working out legs (hamstrings, glutes, quads) I recommend to keep your workout simple and basic! Follow the acronym KISS, Keep It Simple, Sexy! The most effective leg exercises are not found around the machines, but at the squat rack, the leg press, the smith machine and even barbells. Do squats, lunges (standing, walking, smith machine, etc), step ups, deadlifts and leg presses (alternating or together).

I have 2 leg days per week, one on Wednesday and one on Saturday. My Wednesday workout routine is usually high rep (10-12), low sets (3) and moderate weight to heavy weight. I fill this day with all sorts of leg exercises from leg extensions to barbell step ups to bench jumps to walking lunges and different squat variations. I usually end up doing around 7 different leg exercises at least. On Saturday, I do high sets (5-10), low reps (6-8) and very heavy weights. On this day I only do squats, leg press, hack squat and maybe a hamstring exercise. This way you can have a day to work the smaller muscle parts and then a day to really push yourself to exhaustion with heavy weights.

Between every set, I increase the weights to push myself harder but for the last set I will frequently do a drop set. For legs today, I kinda did a mix between my Wednesday and Saturday routine. Basically high reps/low sets but lifted very heavy!

Wednesday Legs

Leg press– 4*12, last set drop set (also knows as a strip set, it’s where sets involve the immediate reduction of weight between sets with NO rest; this thoroughly burns out your muscles)

Hack Squat– 4*10

Straight-leg deadlift– 4*12

Smith machine lunges– 3*10 each leg

Leg extensions– 4*12

Don’t forget to increase the weight after every set to push yourself. Legs are the biggest muscle in the human body so they’re built to grow! Not EVERY day needs to be a two hour workout filled with 15 different exercises! As long as you have proper form, lift heavy and do the exercises correctly, you’ll be making progress.

Stepmill– 30 minutes

For another good leg routine I recommend following Amanda Latona’s “Pro Bikini Glute Workout” by clicking here. She explains the workouts step by step so it’s perfect for a beginner who is trying to learn proper form. I just now looked into her fitness routine and no wonder she has such an amazing body, she does serious work! Now go get yourself a pair of legs like this woman!