Tag Archives: bodybuilding

Jacked Jerky: Product Review

Paleo and meat go hand in hand, especially when it’s hand-crafted jerky that radiates with flavors and spices. I’m proud to introduce the new line of “natty jerky” called Jacked Jerky….it’s obviously the jerky for you if you want to get jacked.


I know a very intelligent man who is constantly creating new products and establishing businesses because he’s a born entrepreneur. This genius friend of mine decided that there needs to be a bodybuilding jerky on the market, one that could easily help people reach their goals naturally….and so Jacked Jerky was born.

I was one of the lucky few that got to sample the jerky before it was released for purchase…all for the cause of the jerky’s well-being of course, of course. It’s not because I’m a meat addict or anything.

Of course.

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The jerky is made from all-natural, protein-packed, USDA Choice Top Sirloin and then hand-trimmed, seasoned with a 12 spice blend and then smoked. Because it is created fresh and lacks the typical additives and preservatives you would find in store-bought jerky, it does not last as long and should be consumed soon after purchase or refrigerated. I really don’t think eating it quickly would be too much of a problem though, considering the amount of deliciousness contained inside.

I really love jerky but the thing that usually holds me back is how chewy and tough it can be. I know that’s typically a turn on for people but I don’t necessarily enjoy chewing on the same piece of meat for five minutes. The thing I really like about this jerky is that it’s not as tough as most and the actual process of eating it is a lot more enjoyable.

For $39.99 you can purchase a pound of their regular or cajun spice jerky….I sampled the cajun one and even though I haven’t tried the regular, I am going to advise you get the cajun. Cause it’s pretty awesome.

The price may seem a little steep but you’re definitely paying for quality since most jerky brands are loaded with artificial crap and tons of preservatives.

Be sure to click on the links below to find out more information about how to get jacked!

Jacked Jerky:
Facebook Page

Be on the look out for giveaways on their page!! I know they have a couple going every so often.

Weekend Fun & Some Recent Thoughts

My weekend nights are usually pretty relaxed and non-eventful. I really enjoy my down time to recover from the past week and to prepare for the week ahead. Some may call this lame, but I call it “listening to my body.” It seems as the semester comes to a close, every week just keeps getting busier and busier and my workouts are getting better and better. Therefore, on a typical Friday and Saturday night you can definitely find me in my apartment cooking a new recipe and having my me time. Except for last night. I went out, for once, since my beautiful sister and her best friend came into town. You could say I don’t feel so hot today. Not so hot at all. And I think I’ve had 2 gallons of liquids, so I’m retaining water like a balloon.
image.pngWorth it? Definitely. I love going out with these beautiful ladies, PLUS we went to my favourite restaurant Moonshine and even though the wait was an hour and a half, we feasted on some delicious bison meatloaf and tasty margaritas. I don’t splurge often or stray from my paleo ways, but it’s been a good few months since I’ve had a cheat and I felt the occasion called for some relaxed eating. Afterwards we hit up down town and enjoyed ourselves with good conversation and lotsa laughs.

Like I said, I don’t drink often. So the majority of today I’ve felt kinda crummy. This morning I made them some tasty eggs and we spent 3 hours watch Game of Thrones Season 1 because these silly girls have never seen it…..I KNOW. NEVER. It initially upset me but now they’re hooked so there goes all their free time for the week.

Around 2 I had a couple cups of coffee with 1 T coconut oil and some vanilla whey. It’s kinda like a latte pre-workout and it’s freaking fantastic. I then hit the gym for glutes and hamstrings and this is what my workout ended up looking like:

5 minute run
Box squats with barbell- 5 sets, moving up in weight each time
Alternating lying leg curls- 3 sets (10 on each leg and then both legs together)
Abductor machine- 3 sets
Sumo squats with kettlebell -4 sets
Deep squats pyramid set- 5 sets (alternating between wide and narrow stance)
Stiff-legged deadlifts- 4 sets
Seated calf raises with two 45 plates- 4 sets

The box, sumo and deep squats will be the death of me. On leg day, I seriously go a little crazy with the squats but it’s because they really make me happy. I feel like a goof saying it, but it’s my favourite exercise and I would do them all day long if my body allowed. My booty has grown tremendously in the past 4 months just from switching up my squat techniques and DITCHING the smith machine. It works for some people but every time I used it, I completely abandoned my core, put too much weight on it and never went deep enough. I wasted a lot of time on the smith but hey, that’s how we learn, right?

So here’s the part where “some recent thoughts” are exchanged. In case you don’t follow my Facebook page, here are two of my most recent statuses:
1. “Time for some truth y’all. I’ve struggled with body images since I was 13. I was a stick but I thought I was fat. I have been vegetarian, vegan, a bikini competitor (yes, that’s a diet lol) and now paleo. I ran an hour on the treadmill every day my freshman and sophomore year. I spend two hours on the elliptical in high school. I under-ate. I struggled. I was obsessed.

Now? I still have my doubts at times but I am ten million times better. I want to be the BEST version of myself…not the smallest. I want to be the STRONGEST, not the most “fragile.” I want the inside of my body to fuel my so I can perform my absolute best. I’ve only been eating paleo for about 4 months but in these past 4 months I’ve loved myself more than I ever have. I don’t check the scale. I don’t weigh every ounce of food. And I appreciate my life for the ups and downs. Love what you have while you have it.

I want to help you find this happiness. If you struggle with any kind of body images, know that you are BEAUTIFUL however you look. You are exactly where you are supposed to be in life. Want to get in shape? Well, do it for the right reasons. Do it for your happiness and energy. Do it to live longer. Do it so that you can teach others how to do it too. And remember you’re not the first person to struggle ♥”

2. “As a health coach, my main goal is not to help you lose weight. I’m sorry, but that is not my number one concern, unless it’s crucial for your life. By making healthy choices and learning how to control your portions and hunger, you will in fact lose weight but that’s because it’s NATURAL. I am not going to be giving my clients macros anymore, unless they specifically ask for it. I provide a sample meal plan, a HUGE list of food options, guidance, support and I make some pretty nifty documents for you to keep about how to bulk prep, recipe ideas, etc. I realize that macros (numbers of grams to hit every day) and weighing your food religiously can really turn into an addiction. You rely on those numbers and that scale and soon enough, you’re in some deep mental trouble and the stress keeps adding up. My concern is to bring you HEALTH. To bring you HAPPINESS through your diet. Forget numbers. Forget HAVING to eat every 3 hours. Your body knows what it wants and I want to help you learn how to listen to yourself. Now that’s a talent we should all be trying to learn. If you want to lose weight, it will happen naturally and stress-free as long as you make the right choices”

So in case you where wondering what’s up, I’ve decided that my coaching techniques really and truly are going to be integrative & holistic. I originally thought I wanted my niche to be sports nutrition, and macro-focused diets with strict “bodybuilding” meal timing for optimum results but I realize that’s NOT what I want to teach. I want to teach my clients how to eat intuitively. I myself have gone through the ups and downs of diets countless times and I’ve struggled with macros. I am just now learning how to NOT count every gram of protein I eat, or not write down every single thing I bite into. It took me so long to learn how to count macros but once I finally got it down, I completely forgot how to simply eat.

You know why I’m ditching the macros? Because I’m healthy. I’ve learned what things I want to eat and what things are good for me, and that’s enough.

I’m putting pure, whole foods in my body. I am not starving myself. I am not weighing myself. I know when I’m hungry because my body will tell me. I know which foods affect me in negative or positive ways. I have watched girls go into competing excited to make changes and then lose sight of SO many other aspects in life. They take their critique cards from the show, cry for hours that their booty wasn’t up to par with what the judges wanted, and then spend the next several months dieting even more in hopes to improve their physique for another group of completely different judges, who may not even have the same judging criteria as the last set of judges! It’s confusing! And god forbid you aren’t lean enough. Then the judges will mark you down because you have a tiny bit of extra water retention.

like….WHAT?! How much more discouraging can it get?

Now, I am not hating on competing AT ALL. I loved it, I had so much fun. And I hope to do it again some day! Just in a healthier way. It’s hard to ignore people when they basically tell you that you are NOT perfect, even though you spent a ton of time trying to perfect yourself.

In my coaching practice, I know I will coach people who want to compete down the road. But I don’t want to kill them with cardio, starve them, and then abandon them after the show to fight off the evil post-competition mental demons that are surely going to sneak up. I’ll do it right. And for everybody else, I don’t plan on giving numbers and macros for you to follow because that is just PLAIN STRESSFUL.

Can I get an AMEN?!

We all need to learn how to live in our own bodies. Truly live in them. Love your body. Feed your body. Hug every curve. Caress every inch of skin. Work what your momma gave you cause I’m pretty sure some girl out there would die to have what you have, no matter what size you are.

Oh and by the way. Ever since I’ve stopped counting, I’ve been seeing results in my lagging body parts. My quads are finally growing and my arms are getting bigger. I cannot believe all I needed to do was listen to my body and that would be enough.


Friday with the Fam

This week I accomplished a lot. I had some insightful meetings, I put a few thoughts into action, had some amazing workouts and yeah did some of that thing called…uhh….school, I think. The end of my senior year is 4 week away. Let me repeat. Four. Weeks. Away. It’s crazy. Of course, I have one summer session after the spring semester but it will be done mid July and I’ll be finished with school forever. With that said, I’ve had some really fun senioritis where my mind wants to neglect everything, my attitude towards school is rotten and I just want to be out. So much time has been wasted sitting in those classes and I’m ready for to get some real experience under my belt. As most of you know, my real passion in life is fitness and health. I want to “simplify your diet and fortify your body” with delicious, simple and clean meals that are attractive to every kind of person. I’ve started to coach people one on one but I have FINALLY made some more concrete programs. I am now offering a 3 month transformation package, a month-to-month package, a one time nutrition program and a 12 week workout routine. WHAT WHAT! I really hope some of my readers will be interested in these packages because my dream in life is to be a health coach. Check out my pricing and program details here. I’ve already had several clients lose 10 pounds each in under a month. I LOVE seeing my clients succeed with hard work and effort. Congrats to all of you that are doing so well!

Sweet! So other than that my parents came into town last night and we had some delicious feasting to do. In case any paleo peeps in Austin (really, not just paleo- anybody that even remotely likes meat) read my blog and are interested in a new restaurant, try out Lambert’s BBQ. It’s located downtown so it’s fairly easy to skip over amidst all over the other fancy pants sushi bars and tex-mex places. Lambert’s BBQ is absolutely divine. For an appetizer, we indulged in some spicy paprika deviled eggs, which I ate way too fast, and then I ordered the natural black Angus brisket with a side of Brussels sprouts smothered in brown butter sugar and bacon. Sounds pretty raunchy, I know. It was.


Afterwards, stuffed, sleepy and happy, we waddled over to the Book People and REI just cause that’s always what I do with my parents when they come to visit. My Dad is a big outdoorsy guy and my mom is a bookworm. Since they’re right next door to each other it makes a nice little stop.

Saturday morning we visited a little place called the Snack Bar which is actually known for having pretty bad service, less than decent food and ridiculously over-priced plates. We usually have good experiences there but this morning all those little known rumors surfaced and proved to be absolutely true. There was absolutely nobody there, yet they made us wait for 45 minutes. The food was okay (actually…mine was great but my parents weren’t so lucky) and the service was stanky.


This is called the Avocado Quinoa. It has pineapple, avocado, red quinoa, arugula, chicken and some very light citrus vinaigrette. I actually love this dish. And I plan on making it myself sometime.

Afterwards, my sweet mom was trying to think of some place I really like that she could treat me to and of course (she knows me so well) she took me over to Vitamin Shoppe for some new protein.


New Myofusion peanut butter cookie dough whey, coconut oil and probiotics!! No manicure, leather jacket, MAC eyeliner or fashionable purse could even close to this little package here:) My parents are so cool.

Unfortunately they could only stay for the morning and had to be on their whey. Womp womp. So now I’m watching the Oxygen channel (It’s Complicated, Just Friends and now Juno) passing the time away as I put some touches on my new programs. So glad to have this blog to give me a mental break from my oh so terribly busy weekends;)

What have you been doing this fine Saturday?

Moroccan Burgers


Oh these were so yummy! This is one of Sarah Fragoso’s recipes and you can find it here or scroll down below:) I paired mine with fresh tomatoes, a sweet potato and sauteed onions and mushrooms.

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But really- paleo creations are the best.

Moroccan Burgers

1 lbs longhorn or ground beef
1 T finely chopped cilantro
1 T finely chopped Italian flat leaf parsley leaves
1 clove garlic, minced
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon paprika and a pinch of cayenne pepper

Mix all of the above ingredients together in a large mixing bowl. Form into burgers and pan fry for 4-5 minutes per side over medium heat for a medium burger or longer if you want it cooked through more. This make 4 patties!

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Red Velvet Protein Pancakes

My favourite kind of cake is red velvet. One of my new favourite veggies is beets. So why not make some protein pancakes, my favourite food, to look like my favourite cake and taste like my favourite veggie? BOOM.

So I bought some beets (canned, since I was in a hurry) and whipped up these bad boys when I should have been studying for my exam this Wednesday. Food always wins.

These pancakes serve one and they don’t exactly turn out the way tradition pancakes do. They are extremely moist and almost mousse like in the middle. Or actually, I’d compare it to a bread pudding texture. Not very flour-like but extremely delicious. Just make sure they cook for a decent amount of time on the first side before flipping.


½ cup beets
½ cup liquid egg whites
½ scoop vanilla protein powder
1 T coconut flour
2.5 oz mashed sweet potato
Cinnamon (generous amount)
Pumpkin pie spice (generous amount)
Dash of salt
Coconut oil

Mix everything except for the coconut oil in a blender or food processor until it’s reached a thick batter consistency. Melt a dollop of coconut oil in a skillet over medium-high heat and pour on the batter. This batter took awhile to cook and it was still pretty soft when I flipped it, so make sure you don’t flip too early. Once it starts to bubble, it’s usually about ready to flip.

This made 2 medium sized pancakes for me:) Top with fruit, more beets, honey, nut butter, nuts, or anything else that may sound good! Just be sure to enjoy every last bite. This recipe is a keeper.

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Community Crossfit & Longhorn Rainbow Hash

Fooled ya- the title is NOT referring to my school’s mascot. The opposite actually. I’m eating my mascot and enjoying every second of it. This past weekend  Jarrod, creator of WhitFit Personal Training, and me went to take a mini road trip to buy 20 pounds of grass-fed longhorn. I had never had this kind of lean beef before so I was ready to take a break from chicken and give it a go.


Boom. Poor little farmer basically had nothing left. Also- before we went on this little adventure, we had our very first crossfit community workout! Yup, I finally tried it out. And it was pretty dang fun. I haven’t been doing cardio for uhhhh like 2 months now and of course the WOD was based on conditioning and lots of high intensity exercises. I was hoping to swing around a few weights but it was different and I really enjoyed being able to try something new for a change.

CrossFitCentralBurnetOf course I’m wearing pink. Dang it, I gotta stop that.

Anyways, it was super fun and afterwards we fueled up on some Whole Foods and then went for our longhorn road trip.

Today is a rest day for me so I decided to make a new recipe. And yes, it’s paleo just like everything else.

Beef Rainbow Hash

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4 oz lean beef or longhorn
2 cups kale
1 large shredded carrot
1 cup shredded red cabbage
Chopped yellow onion (however much you like)
Garlic & additional garlic powder
Basalmic Vinegar
Coconut oil
Salt/Pepper to taste


Please bear with me on this. I kind of just threw in amounts that sounded good to me and I’m going to try to make this as structured as I can! Yesterday I made 4 beef patties, each 4 oz each, by simply molding them into burger shapes and cooking them on the skillet. You could also just take 4 oz beef and brown it in the skillet to your liking. Set the beef aside and saute the kale, onions, garlic and mushrooms in a skillet with coconut oil and a little bit of water. Shred your cabbage and carrots and throw them in with the kale once it’s bright green. I added a bit more water, as well as a few swigs of balsamic vinegar, garlic powder and pepper. I think the vinegar really gives it a kick! Once everything is cooked to your liking, put the rainbow hash on a plate and top with your warm and delicious beef patty:) It’s really simple, but it’s no doubt one of the best and most beautiful dishes I’ve made. Enjoy!

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*This makes one serving*

Butternut Squash Quinoa


It’s both St. Patrick’s Day AND leg day. So that just means one thing. Breakfast must be big….and kinda green. I woke up not really knowing what my paleo-loving tummy was in the mood for so I reached for a couple of my favourite carbs and one of my favourite proteins to create this fast dish (this is lower in protein so feel free to add more eggs!).

3/4 cup butternut squash (I’ve been using frozen Archer Farms squash from Target for convenience)
1/2 cup cooked quinoa
1 egg
Spinach or kale
Garlic or garlic powder (I used both)
Cumin (cause I’m weird)

Heat up or cook the butternut squash (skillet would probably be best but I used the microwave since mine was frozen a bag) and the quinoa. At the same time, saute the spinach or kale in a nonstick skillet with garlic and either olive oil or water (I prefer water when I saute my greens). Once spinach is done, set aside and fry your egg in the pan. Again, I don’t use any kinds of oils, I just make sure the pan is coated with nonstick spray. When the butternut squash is done, put it on a plate and spice it up with whatever you like! I used paprika, cumin, pepper and a little bit of salt. Once the quinoa is prepared, put it on top of the butternut squash and layer on the spinach as well. Season more to your liking and then top with a delicious runny egg!

Other awesome ideas for toppings would be: walnuts, avocado and/or shallots. YUM!

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I’ve been feeding myself pretty well the past few days. Lots of taters, veggies, eggs and protein. A few trips here and there to Whole Foods as well, considering it’s across from a music venue and that’s the place to be during SXSW. Yesterday, Ra Ra Riot was playing a show and I could hear them from Whole Foods, sitting under the sun while chowing on a turkey and kale salad. Mmmmm.

Time to catch up on all the school work I neglected over spring break. Happy Paddy’s Day y’all!


Banana Protein Pancakes (paleo)

Okay so I think I’ve started to master this whole “protein pancake” thing. Well, not master per say, but I’ve been trying every combo that pops in my head. Whole eggs, egg whites, powders, coconut butters, almond butters, sweet potatoes, flours, cocoa, etc. I’ve got to say this combo is one of the best ones I’ve made yet. It’s super easy and perfect for pre or post workout. For a lower carb pancake, all you have to do is take out the banana and it becomes just a regular protein pancake! If I’m craving something at night I’ll make this recipe without the banana but I’ll always throw one in if it’s around my workout. Best part is- it’s paleo:)


1 banana, mashed
1 T coconut flour
1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder (or banana if you have it)
3/4 cup liquid egg whites
1 tsp baking powder
Dash of cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice and cloves

Microwave the banana a little under 1 minute to get it nice and soft. Mix in the coconut flour, protein powder, egg whites, baking powder and spices. Let the batter sit for about a minute. Lightly spread a spoonful of coconut oil on a skillet and pour the batter on top. You can nix the coconut oil and just use nonstick spray, but I love the way coconut oil makes my pancakes taste. Flip over the pancake once little bubbles start to form in the batter. This recipe should make 2 medium sized pancakes. And yes, I eat them all myself.
2013-02-27 05.10.52I topped mine with sugar free syrup and a few almonds! I think walnuts would go much better, and you can even sprinkle on a few dark chocolate chips if you’d like:)

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WIAW and Getting LASIK!

Happy Wednesday everybody! Chances are right now as you’re reading this, I’m either in the midst of getting my LASIK surgery or I’m at home, face down on the bed sleeping away the post-op eye irritation. I’m writing this Tuesday night, filled with lots of excitement, anxiety and curiosity. I’ve heard nothing but good things about the procedure, but I’ve also had to sign a million consent forms and listen to a ton of “there are no guarantees” speeches. But hey- this is my LAST day of my entire life to have -8.5 vision…..that’s 11 years of contacts and 19 years of glasses DONE. I’m so excited and couldn’t be more grateful to my awesome parents for providing me with this glorious graduation present!

In other news- lots of great things have been going on in my life the past few days. I am now a member of the Austin Food Blogger Alliance, I may be getting sponsored, I have seen GREAT improvements in my muscle growth, I think I’ll be attending PaleoFX after all (as a volunteer!) and of course I’m getting perfect vision (I can’t stop saying it!!) It’s funny because literally just yesterday morning I kept dwelling on all the bad things going on in my life and now I’m realizing I have nothing to complain about. Though school is stressing me out to no end, it will pass and I will soon be done and DONE. While I was rolling around in my own self-pity I decided to venture over to Pinterest to look at the quote board….I always do this when I’m in the dumps and seriously it’s always helped me.
I’m pleased to say that the very first picture I saw is the one I needed to see the most.
ab9499bf1766f1adb8b4a366b4c6e2c9Sometimes, like everybody else, I have a hard time moving on from things. So often I try to avoid change because I fear what is coming next. I fear it won’t be as amazing as what I previously had….and that there’s no way it could possibly be better. I’m scared to let go of the experiences I had, the goals I once achieved, the memories I made because the future is so unclear. Memories are great because we can look back and smile on things, but we can’t do that with the future because it hasn’t happened yet. This is where I have to learn to trust and have faith. Wherever I am in life is exactly where God wants me to be. Whatever great things I have lived through, I WILL experience again…and EVEN BETTER! It’s hard to believe it, but life does go on and great things constantly happen without having to force them. And that’s a beautiful thing. So I’m learning to relax, let go and get ready for whatever lies in the future…trusting that it will be great:)

Anyways, back to the less inspirational segment but something slightly more fun FOOD! Here are my WIAW eats! **warning….pictures aren’t the best quality this time around!

Preworkout– pear slices, 3 hard-boiled eggs and 1 Applegate chicken sausage

image-31PWOSweet Potato Pancake with sugar free syrup and a dollop of almond butter! (pancake made with 6 oz sweet potato, 1/2 cup egg whites, 1 scoop vanilla whey, 1 tsp baking powder, cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg and stevia)

Meal 3– Crumbled turkey burger, orange bell peppers, mushrooms, 1/2 avocado, spinach and balsamic vinegar!


Meal 4– A random concoction of egg whites, 1/2 cup beef, mushrooms, bell peppers (sauteed in coconut oil) and seasoned with paprika, pepper and cumin!
Meal 5– This was out of character for me because I usually don’t eat carbs at night, especially bananas, but I was CRAVING one like crazy. So I made another protein pancake, but this one just with 1 bananas, egg whites and whey. Super simple but delicious! Also another side of chicken sausage:))
image-33It’s slightly burnt but I’m one of those weird people that like the taste of lightly burnt food.

Meal 6– I wasn’t feeling very creative so I just munched on a can of salmon in water with a little Dijon mustard:))

And just as an added bonus here is my back/bis workout for tuesday- it KILLED ME! Doesn’t look like much but honestly, when you decrease the rep range from 12 to 8 and increase the weights by at LEAST 10 pounds….it’s intense. I did a total of 25 reps of 55 lb barbell curls, 8 with a 60 and 4 with 65. I was so proud:)

“Ripped Cream” Review

How many of you guys love to start your day off with a warm mug (or two) of coffee? Or drink coffee before your workout for that extra energy? I know most of you love your a.m cup of joe but can’t get used to drinking it black, or have a hard time parting with your coffee creamer. Unfortunately, the calories from coffee creamer add up throughout the day, plus it’s fat AND sugar loaded. Many are flavored unnaturally and contain absolutely no health benefits, but yet it’s so hard to shake the nasty habit. Well well well. There’s FINALLY an answer to this nagging problem.RIPPED CREAM….get RIPPED by drinking coffee!
2013-02-17 23.17.59*All Natural
*5 grams of protein
*11 Amino Acids
*50% RDI Vitamin D3
*Gluten Free
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I was lucky enough to get to review this coffee creamer and I have nothing but good things to say! For those of you that don’t have an easy time eating a lot of protein for breakfast, this “cream” is a great way to get in that extra dose in. It’s convenient, fast, and it provides immediate protein for your muscles first thing in the morning. Though it’s only 5 grams of protein per serving (2 tbs), you could consume it several times throughout the day and your daily protein consumption will easily increase. It contains 10 grams of carbs per serving as well, which I actually like because my carb intake is  lower now (because I no longer eat grains) and this is another way to get some extra energy. Even if you’re on a low carb diet, this product should not inhibit any results. Not only is it a ridiculously smart solution to so many coffee cream lovers, but it also tastes delicious. The chocolate is really subtle but gives my morning coffee the flavor of one of those Starbucks mocha-java-frapps minus the fat and sugar. Totally guilt free and it actually helps you work towards your goals. The vanilla makes a wonderful combination with my medium roast coffee because it tastes so much lighter and fresh. I absolutely love vanilla so I was SO excited to be able to drink it in the mornings!
The coffee creamer comes in a little pouch perfect for traveling or keeping it in an office desk. I was wondering what else I could put this stuff in…protein shakes? Bars? Egg whites? Protein pancakes? The possibilities are endless. Anyways, I’m so excited to have this now instead of always having to drink my coffee black! Follow @RippedCream on Twitter and check out their products here!

What did I enjoy my protein coffee creamer with this morning, you ask?
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Oh you know, just a coconut pancake loaded with BACON. Well turkey bacon but it was bacon nonetheless. New coconut protein pancake recipe will be posted soon too. This may be my favourite protein pancake recipe yet and it’s grain-free and totally paleo;)