Tag Archives: veggies

Red Velvet Protein Pancakes

My favourite kind of cake is red velvet. One of my new favourite veggies is beets. So why not make some protein pancakes, my favourite food, to look like my favourite cake and taste like my favourite veggie? BOOM.

So I bought some beets (canned, since I was in a hurry) and whipped up these bad boys when I should have been studying for my exam this Wednesday. Food always wins.

These pancakes serve one and they don’t exactly turn out the way tradition pancakes do. They are extremely moist and almost mousse like in the middle. Or actually, I’d compare it to a bread pudding texture. Not very flour-like but extremely delicious. Just make sure they cook for a decent amount of time on the first side before flipping.


½ cup beets
½ cup liquid egg whites
½ scoop vanilla protein powder
1 T coconut flour
2.5 oz mashed sweet potato
Cinnamon (generous amount)
Pumpkin pie spice (generous amount)
Dash of salt
Coconut oil

Mix everything except for the coconut oil in a blender or food processor until it’s reached a thick batter consistency. Melt a dollop of coconut oil in a skillet over medium-high heat and pour on the batter. This batter took awhile to cook and it was still pretty soft when I flipped it, so make sure you don’t flip too early. Once it starts to bubble, it’s usually about ready to flip.

This made 2 medium sized pancakes for me:) Top with fruit, more beets, honey, nut butter, nuts, or anything else that may sound good! Just be sure to enjoy every last bite. This recipe is a keeper.

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WIAW & Another Sweet Egg Scramble

Time to talk about food and my Wednesday treats! I’ve noticed that lately I have been eating so many more greens than ever before. Since I don’t have rice and oats to fill up half my plate, I focus more on my protein as well as lots of veggies and of course complex carbs/healthy fats.

Meal one- Nectarines, cooked in coconut oil, sweet eggs (scrambled eggs with stevia and cinnamon), topped with melted blueberries, cinnamon and nutmeg. This is an AWESOME sweet egg concoction!

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Post workout- 1.5 scoop whey and small white potatoes.

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Meal 3- 5 oz chicken breast, 5 oz japanese yams and Brussels Sprouts.


Meal 4- 1/2 cup quinoa, 4 oz chicken, 1/2 avocado and sauteed veggies.

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Meal 5- Steak salad with mixed greens, broccoli, bell peppers and cucumber.


Meal 6- Low carb protein pancake (1 scoop whey, 1/2 cup egg whites, dash of almond milk)


It looks pretty dry but it wasn’t with the almond milk. I topped it with a little almond butter too:)

Still think you can’t eat paleo? It’s the freaking bomb. Just saying. Delicousness all day.

What’s on your WIAW menu?? Happy hump day! 🙂

Spaghetti Squash…Spaghetti!

2013-01-05 06.50.10Ready for a mouth-watering, low carb, high protein meal to satisfy even the most intense Italian craving?  This spaghetti squash dish is paleo and absolutely perfect for the whole family or just for one.

1 1/2 lbs extra lean ground beef (or turkey)
1 spaghetti squash (prepared)
1 jar of your favourite sauce (I bought an organic Italian herb sauce but you can also make your own)
1 T minced garlic
1/2 cup chopped mushrooms
1/2 cup chopped onion
1 T onion powder
1 T garlic powder
1/2 tsp salt
a dash of pepper

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Cut ends off of the squash and then cut lengthwise. Scoop out the seeds and squash junk, then place each squash face down on a rimmed baking sheet. Place in oven for 45 minutes to 1 hour. The less time you cook it for, the “crunchier” the squash will be. I did mine for 50 minutes and it was perfect! (for more ways to prepare spaghetti squash look here)
2. Saute onions in a skillet with whatever kind of oil you want (I used a tiny bit of extra virgin olive oil) for a few minutes and then add in the beef, garlic and spices.
3. When the beef is mostly cooked through, add in the mushrooms and sauce. Feel free to heat up the sauce separately and let each person add however much sauce they want to their own plate!
4. Take out the squash and use your fork to pull out the strings. It should come out of the squash very easily!
5. Pile up the squash and the goods on your plate, then dig in!

(I have no idea how many servings this would make probably anywhere from 3-5, just use your own judgment on how much sauce and meat you personally want)

It Starts With Food

Listen up people. It’s a new year, it’s a new day and if you’re looking to change anything about your health you have to realize- it starts with food. 2013-01-03 00.39.29

If you’ve been keeping up with my blog and Facebook for a while, you probably know that I love to lift weights. I love to pick up heavy things and put them down. That’s just good ole fun! But when it comes to revealing your hard earned muscle, you’ve got to fuel your body correctly. Good, whole, clean food will trim your waist and bring definition to your muscles. Lifting weights will SHAPE your muscles but clean eating reveals them.
I was sent this book about a month ago in order to read and review it. I’ve been so busy with finals, family, workouts and holidays lately that I haven’t had much time to sit down and read. Two days ago I finally decided to dedicate a lazy day to reading this book and wow, I’m pretty sure I’ve never gobbled up a book so fast in my entire life. I’m an English major, so obviously I love to read, but unfortunately I’m a sloooowwwwwwwww reader and it can take me up to a month to get through some books. Sad:( But I’m already done with this book and even more impressively- it seriously impacted me. It made some amazing sense and if you’re into fitness, health and always striving to achieve optimum health, I recommend you pick this one up.
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It Starts With Food is about adopting a paleo lifestyle for 30 days to reset your body, mind, digestive track, taste buds and energy levels. For one month, Melissa and Dallas Hartwig suggest you cut out all dairy, alcohol, grains, legumes and sugars (no not fruit- the fake, artificial and processed junk!) By doing this, you will promote a healthy gut, psychological response, hormonal response and develop a better immune function and minimize inflammation. Now doesn’t that sound fantastic? For so long, people have been including crappy processed foods in their daily diets, inhaling sugars first thing in the morning, binging on beers to “relieve” stress, and relying on coffee to get through their typical work days. These same people face daily migraines, energy slumps, interrupted sleeps, cravings, bloating and digestive problems and probably poor immune systems. These poor people probably don’t realize anymore that these symptoms are not normal or natural. They have become so accustomed to tossing and turning at 3:00 a.m and their afternoon headaches that they don’t even think about finding a way to fix it.

What adopting a paleo lifestyle will do for you goes beyond losing weight. It will increase your energy as well as promote muscle growth (given that you continue to eat plenty of veggies and proteins). What I really like about this book is how they give you scientific backup to why cutting out certain foods would be beneficial to your health. There are reasons why legumes, grains, dairy and alcohol (duh) aren’t good for you but it’s not always obvious. Each chapter has a “summary” so you can recall everything you read about, they give you a list of “forbidden” foods and “acceptable” foods and provide a lot of information to help you make the transition. Of course, going cold turkey for a whole 30 days isn’t much of what most people would call a “transition”…so let me elaborate on what they want you to do exactly.
For 30 days you cut out those foods from your diet…completely. No cheats and no “slips” or else it won’t work. After the 30 days are over, you reintroduce one type of food at a time to see how your body reacts…if you even want to. So on day 31 you may include some milk, Greek yogurt and cheese into your diet and see how you feel. If you feel fine, you can continue to eat diary sparingly…if you don’t feel great, you cut it out altogether and live happily ever after. This program is all about finding your perfect balance. If you had more energy than you’ve ever had in your whole life, better sleep, and no more bloat than stick to the paleo diet- it’s obviously for you! If you miss peanut butter (no legumes, remember! peanuts are a legume!) too much and can’t handle the minor switch to almond butter, than maybe add it back in your diet. Either way, you’re learning about your body.
2013-01-03 00.40.33So now that I’ve received proper information on what the paleo diet means and how it can personally benefit me…I’m going to give it a try! In fact, we’re reaching the end of day 2 for me. I’m hoping that within the next month I’m going to see improvement with my digestion and muscles. If I don’t think I can lift the weigh I want to lift with this kind of diet than so be it…but I have a feeling that’s not going to be the case considering most crossfitters eat paleo because it supports their gains more than any other diet. The only thing I’m not 100% on board with is the amount of fat that’s recommended…. 1-2 servings per meal. I’m going to start cooking with olive oil and eating more avocados though, because without my oatmeal and brown rice my calories will be much, much lower and I need them high in order to put on some more muscle. So even though I love both peanut butter and oatmeal, I know cutting them out won’t be a problem if the benefits are great!
I hope this book looks interesting to you and you’ll do some research on your own to see if paleo may be for you:)

Some other good sites for information on going paleo are-
