Tag Archives: RUNNUR

Mini PB Protein Biscuits & Egg Whites

I had difficulty naming this one. Technically these could be protein puffs, mini breakfast cakes,  biscuits or what have you! I decided to stick with biscuits because when I separated them into three different rounds, they looked really flaky and soft. I have a had a few people think that their protein mug cakes come out a little dry, which is why I typically top mine with something like almond butter, protein icing (a little whey and almond milk mixed together) or sweet eggs…I don’t really mind the “dry” mug cakes but I also have a really strange set of taste buds:) These I made on a complete whim but they were so delicious that I had to share.

Mini Protein Biscuits & Egg Whites

Ingredients for Biscuits:
1 scoop Myofusion whey (I used peanut butter cookie dough)
1 T egg whites
1/3 cup almond milk
1/2 T flax seed

1/2 cup egg whites or 3  egg whites
Nut Butter (I chose Sunbutter)
1 packet Stevia

Mix all the ingredients for the biscuits in a mug and put in the microwave for 1 minute and 30 seconds. Be careful to make sure it doesn’t spill over! Once done, turn over the mug on a plate and let the cake cool. Then scramble eggs in skillet. Cut the protein concoction into 3 pieces and top them with the eggs, Stevia, cinnamon and nut butter. This is almost identical to my strawberry mug cake, but just another way to spice up your whey:)

Yesterday I had a fun photo shoot at my gym sporting the RUNNUR since I wear this product around religiously. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten so many funny looks at the gym. Wait no, I take that back. Carrying my competition heels to the fitness room made for a pretty long walk. Oh, good times….good times.

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2013-04-24 02.21.37


And even though I did legs today, my past two posts have had leg workouts so here is my shoulder/tricep workout from yesterday.

Kettlebell swings with 25 lb- 3 sets, 25 reps
(All reps below 8-10)
Military press- 50, 60, 60, 40 to failure
Close grip bench- 70, 80, 80, 45 to failure
Clean and press- 45, 50, 50, 45
Dips (normal, not assisted, ladies!)- 4 sets
DB shoulder press- 35, 35, 25, 25
Shrugs holding 50 lbs in each hand- 3 sets of 30
Overhead tricep extension- 35, 35, 35

Okay so I know this looks like a lot but since my reps are in the 8-10 range, I do an extra set usually. I was DEAD by the time I was done though. Definitely felt it the entire day. Give it a shot and let me know how it goes!


I really hate when I don’t have time to blog. Really hate it. So right now, I’m “making the time” to blog. I’ve been pretty busy the past couple days, which is ironic because it’s my spring break and I’m supposed to be a lazy bum, sleeping in and chillin all day long. Instead, I got a 4 day job working at a trade show for SXSW (for those of you not from Austin, TX SXSW is a huge music and film festival for people all over the globe) from 11ish to 6. It’s been a great job considering the product I was promoting was only one of the coolest inventions ever.

RUNNUR is basically a hands-free carry all. A minimalist bag for people who live an active lifestyle. Look at me, giving you my sales pitch and whatnot. But really, people from all over the world were coming to the booth to buy these things and Andrew, the creator, was cool enough to give me one. I wore it to the gym today and it was perfect because there was a spot for all my regular gadgets, plus my head phones and water.



We all had a blast working together. I also met a lot of cool people from all over the world. India, South Asia, the UK, Argentina, some other random places and definitely people from every state. I LOVE meeting new people….especially….

image-38those that get lost at sea. Like Wilson. Yes, I got to meet Wilson. And he’s actually a pretty cool guy. I get why Tom loved him so much.

Hmmm what else is new with me. I decided to take on my first clients this past week. I’m doing nutrition and meal plans for them. Definitely a learning process for both of us but I’m really grateful to have people that want help and want to help me help them! If that makes sense;)

I also planned to do a lot of my school reading over break. It’s already Thursday….definitely didn’t happen. Dang it.

Last but not least, I had the most beautiful dinner ever last night. Made for me, not by me. But it’s oh so very lovely.

image-36I gotta say, ahi tuna may be the best gift God has ever blessed the sea with. I’m eternally grateful for tuna. Raw tuna.

Gotta run. Shows to see, music to hear, workouts to enjoy and food to EAT. Gunna try and enjoy the last few days of my break while I still can!