Monthly Archives: October 2012

First Photo Shoot Experience & Day 1 of IIN

So much has happened in the past couple of days. I had my first photo shoot experience yesterday, I started peak week today and I also just began my Institute for Integrative Nutrition course! I can’t believe all the wonderful things going on in my life, not to mention I’m 5 days away from NPC Texas State Naturals!

Taking a step back, I want to talk a little bit about my photo shoot. A week ago I had received an email from Denise Clark, author of Phat Phamily, offering to give me photo shoot. WHAT?! I was so thrilled and flattered that her and her husband would take the time out of their day to give me that special gift. Really, they were two of the nicest people I’ve had the opportunity to meet in a long time. Denise and Danny Clark, from Danny Clark Photography, run a great studio in Houston, TX. I highly recommend any of you guys check it out if you are around the area and are in need of some professional shots!

(more pictures will be up soon!)

Something really great about Denise and Danny is that they too are on an eating clean kick and have been making great efforts to improve their health and also the health of their children. Not many parents have the gift of making healthy food kid-friendly but so far they’ve made great strides in providing nutritional value to their whole family’s dinner plates.

Denise has just committed herself to her first bikini competition! That’s unbelievable considering she’s balancing a job that involves lots of travel AND a family! Honestly, I admire her more than I admire most “fitness models”…you don’t need to have your pictures published in a magazine to be considered a fitness model. You just need to live a healthy lifestyle, make goals and lead by example…she’s pushing herself to do something challenging and that’s true modeling!

One of the biggest challenges that comes with taking a trip, no matter how far, is packing your meals and being prepared. I already cook in bulk so all I had to do was separate and measure my meals ahead of time and put them in my cooler. I had 2 tubber wares with chicken and brown rice, one baggie with whey and oats and then one tubber ware with green beans and chicken. Just the usual foods but all packed in and ready to go! When it came time to chow on my oatmeal I was wondering how exactly to go about it. I was on my way back home so I decided a coffee wouldn’t be that bad of an idea anyways…so why not ask for some boiling water from Starbucks on the side?!

TA DA! You have your oatmeal ready to go. I know this may seem weird but these kinds of habits get a lot easier with time. And in the long run you’ll appreciate the changes that come with your body if you take the time to prepare ahead of time.

In other news, I started my classes for the Institute for Integrative Nutrition today and I can’t even describe how EXCITED I am to start this new journey! I am going to be a health coach- can you believe it? Hello DREAM JOB! I have come to the conclusion that helping others achieve their nutritional goals, as well as fitness goals, is my calling in life. One problem that comes with creating healthier habits is that peers, family, society, etc. all affect you either positively or negatively. If it’s negatively, than it’s really difficult to make those changes long term because we as humans need encouragement and support. That’s not a weakness, it means we’re human. As a health coach I want to provide that support and accountability in order to make the transition pleasant and much less stressful. A healthy lifestyle is not hard to obtain, I promise, YOU can have it! With a little bit of knowledge, the proper tools, and a clear grasp on what it means to find balance, you can have a healthy lifestyle in every aspect.  What I love about IIN is that it focused on all different areas of life, not just nutrition. Being healthy means having a healthy relationship, career, social life, exercise life, spirituality, etc. It covers every area so that you can have optimum health that lasts a life time.
Well I realize now it’s that time….posing time. Yuck. Off to walk in some ridiculous heels. Have a restful Monday night!

Laura Bailey’s Muscle-Building Diet!

Among the many beautiful and strong women I look up to, one of them is Laura Bailey.

She has discipline, muscles, beauty, a good head on her shoulders and a great philosophy on life. I found her “cutting” program AND “muscle building” program on I love that gives personalized workouts and meal plans designed by competitors and fitness lovers alike. I decided to post just Laura’s muscle building diet on my blog but you can find the rest of her regime for both building and cutting here>>> – Laura Bailey Fitness 360 – Follow Her Program!.

She may have a little more muscle on her bod than what you want for yourself, but don’t worry cause you won’t automatically get that “big” from eating more calories, your body will gradually build.

I wanted to post her diet for muscle building because it requires so much food, you would never even realize that the body needs so many calories to put on muscle mass. Of course, it’s different for everybody and what works for her is not guaranteed to work for you but at least this gives you a good idea. Lots of good, CLEAN and healthy food, here. What could be more exciting than getting in shape by eating LOADS?!

Laura Bailey’s Muscle Building Nutrition

Total Calories: 2406   |  Fat: 75g  |  Carbs: 199g  |  Protein: 269.5

Meal 1: Two Breakfast Taquitos

    • turkey

      Ground Turkey

      Fats: 12 Grams| Protein 31 Grams| Carbs 0 Grams

    • 1124

      Seasoned Egg Beaters

      1 cup
      Fats: 1 Grams| Protein 25 Grams| Carbs 2 Grams

    • picante sauce

      Picante Sauce

      2 tbsp
      Fats: 0 Grams| Protein 0 Grams| Carbs 2 Grams

    • corn tortilla

      Corn Tortillas

      Fats: 0 Grams| Protein 0 Grams| Carbs 2 Grams

Total Calories For Meal 1: 620

Meal 2: Protein Shake

Total Calories For Meal 2: 237

Meal 3: Turkey Spaghetti

Total Calories For Meal 3: 314

Meal 4: Protein Shake

Total Calories For Meal 4: 422

Meal 5: Healthy Snack

    • cottage cheese

      Low Fat Cottage Cheese

      1/2 cup
      Fats: 1 Grams| Protein 14 Grams| Carbs 3 Grams

    • apple


      Fats: 0 Grams| Protein .5 Grams| Carbs 24 Grams

Total Calories For Meal 5: 175

Meal 6: Healthy Snack

    • crab

      Crab Cakes

      Fats: 14 Grams| Protein 22 Grams| Carbs 5 Grams

    • Asparagus


      Fats: 0 Grams| Protein 4 Grams| Carbs 7 Grams

Total Calories For Meal 6: 273

Meal 7: Quiche

    • 1124

      Seasoned Egg Beaters

      1 cup
      Fats: 1 Grams| Protein 25 Grams| Carbs 2 Grams

    • veggies


      Fats: 0 Grams| Protein 3 Grams| Carbs 12 Grams

    • turkey

      Ground Turkey

      Fats: 12 Grams| Protein 31 Grams| Carbs 0 Grams

Total Calories For Meal 7: 365

Note: I make modifications weekly depending on how specific events that I may have going on.

So there you have it. Eat big to get big!

Finding Motivation- 10 Days Out

Thursday….my LEAST favourite day of the week.

I’m not a big fan of Thursdays for several reasons.

1. My body is pretty tired from the past 4 days of intense weight lifting and cardio sessions, plus the lack of calories to back up my energy

2. I have those dang classes from 8-2 nontop

3. It’s the day after my “refeed” so I’m sluggish, bloated and tired

4. Tomorrow is my rest day and I can only think about how I wish it was today

5. I have to hit the gym at the most crowded time
Depending on other circumstances, it could be not that bad of a day or it could be a “woe is me” kind of day. Psh, silliness!

Today I was sitting in class reflecting on some of these things when I looked in my wallet and pulled this baby out.


I got this fortune a couple weeks ago and thought it was probably the most motivating fortune I’ve ever had and it was totally appropriate for what I’m going through! (no I didn’t eat the cookie!)
Sometimes simple reminders like this one can help you to do some reevaluating, refocusing and to simply… breathe. Relax. Think back and remember why you’re doing it in the first place. In my case, I’m thinking about the fact that I’m 10 days out. I can’t believe that at this time next week it’ll only by TWO days. That’s ridiculous!

I’m so excited, nervous, anxious, pumped, thrilled, worried, happy, sad, etc. Pretty much every emotion on the spectrum is mixing together and creating a whirlwind of thoughts. Thankfully, mostly all good thoughts! I’m trying to focus on how far I’ve come and that I should be proud of myself for what I’ve accomplish.

No cheats, restaurant meals, alcohol, dairy, sugar or anything bad for 18 weeks straight! More specifically, that’s no apples, chocolate, red meat, berries, wine, salsa, and of course no extra tablespoon of peanut butter. Reflecting on that really does make me proud. I haven’t missed a meal, I’ve gone to bed at a decent time every night, been drinking a gallon of water every day, prepared my foods in advance, kept up with school and never missed a workout or cardio session.

So has it all been worth it?

So far- YES.

The reason why I’m writing a little bit about this right now is so that no matter what happens after my show, I can reflect on all the positives. Depending on how I do, I could have a few mixed emotions going on but I just need to remember all that I have accomplished.

Side note-

The other day somebody was asking me about why I was doing this competition. I listed all the obvious intangible benefits and all I received back was a blank stare and one of those “…and?” expressions. She asked “What do you get in return??” Again, I restated how this goes beyond money or rewards. This is an accomplishment…something that I can remember and reflect on FOREVER. I don’t think she, or anybody else that was listening in, ever really understood why I decided to do this (I then proceeded to whip out my chicken and brown rice Tupperware from my lunchbox as they cracked open another Budlight).

It kind of makes me sad that some people need tangible benefits as motivation. What about the amazing satisfaction that comes with doing something that requires a ridiculous amount of will power?! I’d pick that kind of satisfaction over a night of partying any day.

In regards to accomplishments that aren’t related to food: I didn’t drink on my 21st birthday, I lost 10 pounds, I’ve dropped to 7% body fat, I’m squatting 180 pounds, my bench press is at 95 lbs and EVERY single part of my body has gotten stronger and can lift heavier. I am feeling very PROUD. I want to thank my body for doing this, for being determined, for pushing through, staying strong, and helping my mind’s goals and dreams become REALITY.

Take a moment right now to just think about how much you’ve accomplished and how far you’ve come. Wherever you are in your journey, it’s farther than you were yesterday. Be proud!

Give Yourself A Self-Worth Makeover

The Under Armour What’s Beautiful campaign has been causing quite a buzz in the fitness industry lately. Woman from all over have been committing themselves to live a healthier lifestyle by achieving a goal they never thought possible or one that they never had the motivation to go out and accomplish.

Bless this campaign.

I love it.

To all you woman who already appreciate your body and love yourself for WHO you are, congratulations. You’ve achieved a feat it takes some woman a lifetime to achieve. If you love yourself unconditionally, no matter what shape or size you are, then your life must be feeling pretty fulfilled already.

That’s an issue in society today that needs a serious makeover. Self-esteem. Self-worth. Self-value. Self-this/Self-that. The body is more than what society says it is; I believe it deserves much more credit. It can do things, be things, make things, create things. The body itself can be a work of art. It can lift people up or tear them down. How you move your body, what you do with it, how you present it, how you challenge it…all of these things add up. You are WORTH something…in fact, you are probably worth a lot more than you think.

You’re more than just a body. There’s beauty on the inside as well as the outside and both of them are what make you unique.

When I think back to the 21 years of my life I can remember a few moments where I yearned to be or look like someone else.

Age 4: Skinny, beautiful, blonde haired Barbie (click here for more information on the Barbie effect)

Age 7: Slender, damsel in distress, Cinderella

Age 10: Cute, sweet, innocent Brittany Spears

Age 15: the hundreds millions of skinny woman in ads and movies

And so on….

Image plays a huge role in the media. It says you MUST look like this or you must look like that. It’s time for a revolution.

What we woman need to start doing is focusing on ourselves. Our actions. Our happiness. Positive energy, people. This campaign is wonderful because it redirects our attention to ACHIEVEMENTS and the beauty of goals. Basically, it’s time to get off your butt of the couch, set your mind to something and go out there and DO IT for your own sake, nobody else. Don’t focus on what you look like, how far you have to go, why you weren’t born with a model’s metabolism but start thinking of your body in terms of art. Because that’s what it is, right? You can mold it, shape it, work it, move it and do a ton of other things. Things that you can’t do without putting a little effort into it.

Stop focusing on the outside and start focusing on feeling good.

It’s pretty simple. Do good to feel good.

That is where true motivation comes from.


You’re a woman that is beautiful with…

the body you have now

the body you will have later

You have value because of your…






You don’t need a MAN, a MAGAZINE, or a SCALE to tell you that.

Say Goodbye to Stubborn Belly Fat With These 5 Tips!

When it comes to tummy troubles and shedding belly fat, the most important key is to stay consistent with your diet. A few months ago, before I had decided to compete, I had a much higher body fat percentage, but yet I ate clean for the most part, worked out regularly and constantly set goals for myself. Now, 12 weeks into my competition prep, I’ve finally figured out a few key ingredients to fat loss and how to tighten up that one devilish area we all put so much focus on. What it all comes down to is the food you put into your stomach. You can do 100 sit-ups a day, but as long as you feed yourself poorly, you will never uncover those tight abdominals. We all have a six-pack… it just depends on how far back in the fridge it is!

1. Cut Out Alcohol

Yeah, you’ve probably heard this one before. “But alcohol is a social norm,” right? No, the truth is you do not need poison to have a good time. You can sip on a water with lime and still enjoy the company you’re with and enjoy a nice evening. Alcohol is loaded with empty calories and sugar. Generally speaking, the consumption of alcohol usually leads to snacking and since your body is already working on breaking down those calories, the food you eat will turn straight into fat. If you want a tight and toned tummy, you cannot realistically lose any weight in that area if you’re drinking, even if it only happens a few times a month. Cut it out altogether!

2. Limit Sugar

Sugar is hiding everywhere. It’s in ketchup, drinks, fruit, bread, jelly, coffee creamer, you name it and it’s in there! One thing I’ve had to do is cut sugar out almost completely. If you’re going to consume fruit, try to have it immediately after a workout because that’s when it’s broken down the easiest. Otherwise, watch your sugar intake significantly- even when it seems harmless like coffee creamer or yogurt. Start buying the sugar-free Greek yogurt and try to sweeten your coffee with only Stevia. You’ll save tons of calories by making small changes like that.

3. H.I.I.T.

High Intensity Interval Training is one of the best cardio methods because not only is it much more exciting than running on a treadmill for 45 minutes at a time but it burns fat at a much quicker rate. Three times a week I walk on the step mill for 30 minutes and then two times a week I will perform HIIT on the treadmill for 20 minutes. This is where you alternate between sprinting and walking for a minute each. You’re heart rate will by flying and the fat will be melting!

4. Limit Cheat Meals

Food is a great thing and the last thing I want you to think I’m saying is that you can’t enjoy it. But what I am saying is that if you really and truly want to flatten your stomach, you need to cut back on the cheat meals. I suggest saving them for special occasions and if possible, still chose healthier options and be portion conscience. Even one cheat meal a week can discourage progress. Try to go a month without any cheats and keep pushing yourself afterwards! Instead of cheating, try to spice up already clean foods by seasoning them differently or making new “clean” combinations. Also, reward yourself by buying a new piece of athletic clothing or some new music to put on your workout playlist. That will keep you motivated for the week ahead!

5. Carb Cycle

This is the final step that can turn a B body into an A plus. It’s definitely not the only way to get a toned stomach but it can make a big difference if you reach a plateau in your fat loss journey. Carb cycling is where you alternate between low carb days and high carb days. Heavy lifting days, such as leg days, would be where you consume more carbs than light lifting days or rest days. These carbs are healthy carbs of course, such as brown rice, sweet potatoes, quinoa, oats and whole grains. The change in carb intake shocks your body and keeps your metabolism kickin’! It’s a great strategy to lose body fat while still being able to fuel your body properly and maintain energy levels.

Remember that your stomach is not a wastebasket; it’s extremely important that you fill it with nutrient-rich foods that will be put to good use! Some of these things might be a little more difficult to master than others but only you can determine what your body looks like. Personally, I’ve always thought that nothing tastes as good as being fit feels.

This article can also be found on the amazing and educational fitness website Trimmed And Toned by clicking here. Check out all of there awesome interviews and articles about weight loss, building muscle and nutrition!

Saucony ProGrid Guide Shoe Review

These past few weeks I’ve been getting a little bored and tired of the same ole running, sprinting and “stepmilling” routine so I was extremely please to find out that Fitfluential picked me to campaign and review Saucony‘s new ProGrid Guide running shoes! They arrived in the mail after a particularly stressful midterm so coming home to these puppies cheered me right up. Sometimes a new pair of fitness gear is exactly what the doctor ordered when you’re getting bored of your routine….there’s something about new shoes that makes running that much better.


So what do I think about these new shoes? Would I recommend them to the frequent runner? My answer is a completely confident, in-your-face YES. After putting them on for the first time, I immediately fell in love. You know when you find a pair of running shoes that look awesome but feel heavy on your feet and so you’re stuck in a situation where you have to put looks over agility?? Well that’s definitely not the case with the Progrid Guide. They are extremely light on your feet, they don’t weigh you down and they’ve got a very edgy look to them (being a Longhorn…I love the bright orange!)
The shoes will be released in stores November 11th, so set aside some dough for your fall shoe fund and get on these fun running shoes! I promise you’ll love em!

On another note, something fun I did this past week was see Louis Lowry speak at a book signing at a local independent bookstore in Austin, TX! The author of The Giver discussed how she gets her inspiration for her books and characters. Apparently, she said that whenever she is writing a book and thinking about characters, a face will pop into her head that she has never seen before and a name will come with it. Every single one of her main characters have bee conjured in her head, with a name, and zero effort is required on her part to think up the characters. I thought that was so interesting! She also went on to describe how ridiculous and made-up “writer’s block” is because writing is a job, just like plumbing or dentistry. Dentists don’t get “dentist block” and surgeons don’t get “surgeon’s block” so why should writers have an excuse?

Fun fact about me: I love to write and read and I’m currently working on my first children’s book series! I love hearing authors and their perspective on finding creativity. What one of your favourite things to do outside of the gym?

3 Weeks Out!

So here it is….3 weeks out (19 days!!) and my first competition prep is quickly coming to an end. I can’t believe it’s almost here and that I’ve been at this for 14 weeks already. I’m filled with all sorts of emotions: excited, anxious, nervous, relieved, stressed, pumped….

My workouts have gotten a little more intense as I approach my peak week.

Monday- Bis, tris, abs, 30 minutes stepmill

Tuesday- 20 min HIIT (starved, 6:00 a.m) and shoulders, back, 30 minutes stepmill (afternoon)

Wednesday- Heavy legs, 3o minutes stepmill

Thursday- Chest, 20 min HIIT

Friday- active rest

Saturday- Shoulders, legs, 20 min HIIT

Sunday- active rest

As for my diet, not much has changed. In fact, nothing has! I’m extremely lucky that my body has been able to consistently drop weight even though I’m eating a pretty decent amount of carbs. My energy is high (usually!) and my body feels great. I’m at 116 lbs (usuaully 124) and my body fat % is….well, mysteriously low. I’m hesitant to share it with y’all because it sounds like a very unhealthy number and sort of unrealistic. I’m not sure exactly how I’ve managed to reach this number but my best guess is that being consistent has helped me go above and beyond what I thought I could reach. I know I’ve said this a million times but alcohol, sugar, “cheat meals”, days off, etc..all those things set you back and delay progress. Soon enough you start thinking you’re not ever going to reach your goals but I’m telling you right now- cut out all those bad habits and you WILL see results!

For me, I know that I will not keep my bf% this low after my competition because even the sugar in a peach will increase it. And that’s okay because Lord knows I need fruits and their vitamins right now!

Speaking of vitamins, there is one negative thing about my competition prep I would like to share. Fruits are crucial for natural and healthy skin. My already vampirish pale legs run into basically everything because I’m a pretty clumsy person, even on my good days. Usually, I have a decent tolerance to bruising but lately because of the lack of natural vitamins, my body has not been able to handle even the slightest of bumps and scratches.

Last week I was pretty much attacked by an angry bunch of misquotes. My knees were covered in little red bumps, and of course, that’s not all….I had to have bruises pop up underneath them, naturally. So my pale, bug bite infested, bruised legs were hidden under yoga pants 24/7 and I’m constantly loading up on Neosporin and Benedryl. I think it’s safe to say the week before my show I’m going to have to wear bubble wrap every where I go and spend most of my free time in a padded room.

The stress of having to look perfect and be perfect is a lot to handle. I’m trying not to take everything too seriously but deep down I’m very concerned about keeping everything healthy and looking good. There’s a balance somewhere in there and I’m going to find it after my competition. I don’t want to always have to constantly stress over something as silly as a bruise…but then again I won’t have to because I’ll have many more vitamins in my body again. Yay for healthy, glowing skin!

So anyways, here it is: 3 weeks out!

Here’s a side pose I’ve been working on as well.

Hope everybody has a great Monday!! Start your week off strong, prepare your meals in advance, mix up your usual workouts and set new goals for yourself:)

Vlog: My daily Supplements

Just a recap: I’m all about supplements but the standard/basic ones I enjoy are whey, casein and an intra workout. I also take a multivitamin and extra B12 when needed! Another great vitamin to take would be fish or flax oils.

If you don’t have some protein powder on hand already, definitely consider making the investment. There are SOOO many amazing recipes and concoctions you can add your powder to such as oatmeal, smoothies, energy balls, protein pancakes, Greek yogurt parfaits, etc. Questions? Need supplement recommendations? Feel free to ask away!

Confession: my semi short-lived nasty habit

CONFESSION time! One thing that I’m sure you get every now and then is cravings. The only difference between when I usually get a craving and the past few months is that I absolutely 100% cannot give in to them. The will power I’ve accumulated over time has led to a major decrease in any cravings at all and now I don’t even get them. My number one trick to curb your cravings would be tea. But sometimes tea doesn’t do the trick so here’s my confession that you might already know…I love diet coke. Yes. It’s awesome. And I used to never drink it because I could easily have almond milk, an apple cider vinegar detox drink, coconut water or a kombucha. Since I can’t have those extra calories, I started looking for calorie free options and diet coke, tea and coffee were the only ones I could find. I only had one a few times a week but that’s still too much. Also- you know those Walden Farms products I mentioned before? Well they had started to upset my stomach so I had to cut those out as well. Once upon a time I could have an apple or a handful of blueberries midday to satisfy my sweet tooth. Those options are clean, healthy, antioxidant rich and awesome for you! So in that aspect, I was actually being healthier than I am now because I’ve started to look for calorie free products, even if they are sweetened with Splenda and have artificial flavors.


I quickly realized, that’s against my philosophies on nutrition and how to properly fuel your body. As awesome as I think it is that there is a calorie free blueberry syrup and a calorie free peanut spread, it’s just not worth it. Your body is not made to digest those kinds of products. It’s easy to lose sight of things like that when you feel so restricted already. I just have to keep telling myself,  4 more weeks left and that’s it! I don’t want to create any unhealthy habits during this process and keep them with me even after the competition.

More reasons not to drink diet soda:

1. Neurotoxic

2. Headaches

3. Acidifying

4. Risk of Obesity

5. Increased toxic load

6. Risk of heart disease

7. May be the cause of metabolic syndrome

Little update on this past week- I’ve been pretty swamped with school. This week I’ve had to prepare for three tests, write a poem for my poetry class, read a ton of chapters of Sense and Sensibility, read King Henry the Fourth play, memorize some sonnets, write 2 journal entries, a “memo” paper and a paper for media law. Luckily this is the first week that’s been too terribly hectic but keeping up with meals, workouts AND school can kind of be overwhelming. All I have to say to that is TGIF!

Do you find that your weeks are loaded with stressful situations or heavy work loads? Guess what…there are foods that can help with that! Food is such a beautiful thing. It provides you with energy, motivation to get through the day, relieves stress, fuels you for your work outs and has everything to do with how you look! Here’s a nifty little chart I found that tells you what foods to lean on when you’re having those stressful days!

Have a great weekend!